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『壹』 来看这是什么坦克/俄罗斯电影里的


『贰』 由阿达什·古拉夫和佩丽冉卡·曹帕拉主演的白虎TheWhiteTiger(2021)在线免费播放链接哪位大神有





『叁』 求电影《功夫之王》的英文剧情介绍

The Forbidden Kingdom (Chinese: 功夫之王) is a 2008 Hollywood martial arts-adventure film from Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company directed by Rob Minkoff. It is the first film to star together two of the best-known names in the martial arts film genre, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. The action sequences were choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping.

The movie is distributed in the United States through Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company,[4] and through The Huayi Brothers Film & Taihe Investment Company in the People's Republic of China.

功夫之王是一部2008年好莱坞武术冒险电影,Rob Minkoff执导,韦恩斯坦公司和狮门影业公司联合发行。这是第一次把成龙和李连杰两位在武侠电影流派中鼎鼎有名的或枝明星联合在一起的一部电影。武术执导Yuen Woo-ping.



The film opens ring a battle between Sun Wukong, the Monkey King (Jet Li), and heavenly soldiers amongst the clouds. It is then revealed the sequence was a dream when a young teenager, Jason Tripitakas (Michael Angarano), awakens in his room plastered with vintage kung fu movie posters. After getting dressed, he makes his way to a pawn shop in Boston's China town to buy some new Kung fu DVD's. There, he converses with Hop (a prosthetics-laden Jackie Chan), the shop'桥基s elderly owner, and, while thumbing through some DVD's, he is drawn to room full of antiques and notices a golden staff. Hop tells him that the staff is to be delivered to its rightful owner and then closes the door. On his way back home, Jason is attacked by local bully Lupo (Morgan Benoit) and his cronies who force him to take them to the store so they can steal some money from the old man. Feeling betrayed, Hop tries to attack the thieves with the staff, but is shot. He tells Jason that he must deliver the staff to its rightful owner. Jason takes the staff and runs from the thieves. On top of a building, he is surrounded by the bullies and suddenly he is pulled off the roof by the staff and travels back through time.

When Jason wakes up he has been transported back to ancient China. There he is attacked by Jade Warriors who try to take the staff away from him. He is helped by the Drunken Immortal, Lu Yan (Jackie Chan). Later that night, seated in a restaurant, Lu tells Jason a story of how the Monkey King caused havoc at the banquet celebrating the Jade Emperor's forthcoming 500 year period of meditation and drank of the elixir of immortality. The Emperor took a liking to the Monkey King and decided to award him a heavenly title, much to the chagrin of the Jade Warlord (Collin Chou), a heavenly general. The Emperor then left the Jade Warlord in charge of heaven before retreating to his period of seclusion. The Jade Warlord later challenged the Monkey King to a el, and turned him into stone by tricking the Monkey King to set aside his magic staff. But before he was fully immobilized, the Monkey King cast his staff into the mundane world. Lu ends the tale by stating a person known as the "Seeker" will be the person to find the staff and free the Monkey King. Lu and Jason then get into a fight with the Jade Warriors who track them to the restaurant and are saved by a mysterious woman, who turns out to be the Orphaned Warrior, Golden Sparrow (Liu Yi Fei). Golden Sparrow's family was killed by the Jade Warlord, and she has vowed vengeance against him.

The Jade Warlord is notified by his men that they have seen the magical staff. The Jade Warlord then sends his bounty hunter, the white-haired assassin Ni-Chang (Li Bingbing), to retrieve it for him. When Jason wakes up in the morning he is attacked by a person dressed in white clothes, who takes the staff away. Jason, Lu, and Golden Sparrow follow the trail of the mysterious man. They reach upon a temple where the man is meditating. There, Lu confronts the Silent Monk (Jet Li), who was the mysterious man. There they both fight for the staff. The Silent Monk later learns that the staff is meant for the traveler. The four head towards the Five Elements Mountain in a quest to free the Monkey King and destroy the rule of the Jade Warlord.

On the way to the Mountain, Lu and the Silent Monk teach Jason Kung Fu. After crossing a great desert, they are attacked by Ni-Chang and the Jade Warriors, but the four escape on their horses with the staff intact. Ni-Chang fires an arrow into the air after them, and Lu is hit with the arrow and falls from his horse. They take refuge in a monastery where they find out that only the elixir of immortality from the Jade Warlord will heal Lu from his mortal wound. Jason wanting to help Lu, heads toward the palace with the staff to exchange it for the elixir. Once at the palace he learns that the elixir was promised to Ni-Chang if she brought back the staff, but since Jason brought it, he has to fight Ni-Chang to death, the winner getting the elixir. The Silent Monk discovering that Jason has left with the staff and pursues Jason along with Golden Sparrow. Back at the palace, Jason and Ni-Chang fight. Though Jason had developed some skill in Kung Fu, the more experienced Ni-Chang easily defeats him. But before she can kill him, the Jade Warlord orders her to stop and, instead, sets his own men on Jason. The boy's life is once again saved when the Silent Monk and Golden Sparrow arrive (with Lu Yan in the rear being carried by monks from the monastery who join in the fight with the Jade Army with their staffs) and intervene. The Silent Monk els the Jade Warlord while Golden Sparrow fights Ni-Chang. During the fight, Jason manages to grab the elixir and throws it to Lu Yan, who drinks it and regains his strength and energy. Lu then fights Ni-Chang on the balcony. The Silent Monk is mortally wounded ring his battle with the Jade Warlord and throws the staff to Jason. Jason takes the staff and frees the Monkey King from his statue form. The Silent Monk dies from injuries and reverts into a golden hair, revealing him to be a magical human familiar created by the Monkey King prior to his imprisonment. The fight between the Monkey King and the Jade Warlord commences. Golden Sparrow tries to kill The Jade Warlord, but is killed instead. After a long battle, Jason is able to kill the Jade Warlord and Lu Yan kills Ni-Chang. He is then thanked by the Jade Emperor for his bravery and fulfilling the people's prophecy. He is then transported back to modern day Boston.

When Jason wakes up, he is attacked by Lupo's gang, but this time he uses his newfound Kung Fu skills and defeats Lupo. He then goes to see if Hop is alright, and Hop responds to Jason, stating that he is immortal, leaving it questionable whether or not Hop is Lu Yan or not. Hop is taken to the hospital, before Jason leaves the scene, he sees a girl who looks like Golden Sparrow. She thanks him for being brave and tells him she will see him later. She then goes into her store (Golden Sparrow). Jason, surprised but delighted to see her, leaves and goes home, where he practices his Kung Fu on the roof with a staff.


Actor Role
Jackie Chan Hop, the thrift store owner/Lu Yan, the Drunken Immortal
Jet Li The Silent Monk/Sun Wukong, the Monkey King
Collin Chou The Jade Warlord[5]
Michael Angarano Jason Tripitikas, the Traveler[6]
Liu Yi Fei Golden Sparrow, the Orphan Warrior
Li Bingbing Ni-Chang, the White-Haired Witch Assassin



『肆』 推荐几部好的英文电影


电影历史票房前200位(全球) (都是大片,BT下载都有DVD的,希望喜欢)
1 Titanic 1997 泰坦尼克 $1,835.4 m
2 Harry Potter 2001 哈里波特 $935.8 m
3 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 1999 星战前转I $925.5 m
4 Jurassic Park 1993 侏罗纪公园 $920.1 m
5 Independence Day 1996 独立日 $811.2 m
6 Star Wars 1977 星球大战 $798.0 m
7 The Lion King 1994 狮子王 $771.9 m
8 Fellowship of the Ring 2001 指环王 $728.8 m
9 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982 E.T外星人 $704.8 m
10 Forrest Gump 1994 阿甘正传 $679.7 m
11 The Sixth Sense 1999 第六感 $661.5 m
12 The Lost World: Jurassic Park 失落的世界 1997 $614.4 m
13 Men In Black 1997 黑衣人 $587.2 m
14 Return of the Jedi 1983 武士复仇 $572.9 m
15 Armageddon 1998 世界末日 $554.6 m
16 Mission: Impossible II 2000 碟中谍II $545.4 m
17 The Empire Strikes Back 1980 帝国反击战 $533.9 m
18 Home Alone 1990 小鬼当家 $533.7 m
19 Ghost 1990 人鬼情未了 $517.6 m
20 Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 终结者II $516.8 m
21 Aladdin 1992 阿拉丁 $502.4 m
22 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 圣战奇兵 $494.8 m
23 Twister 1996 龙卷风 $494.7 m
24 Toy Story 2 1999 玩具总动员II $485.7 m
25 Shrek 2001 史瑞克 $481.5 m
26 Saving Private Ryan 1998 拯救大兵雷恩 $479.3 m
27 Jaws 1975 大白鲨 $470.6 m
28 Mission: Impossible 1996 碟中谍 $467.0 m
29 Pretty Woman 1990 漂亮女人 $463.4 m
30 The Matrix 1999 黑客帝国 $456.5 m
31 Gladiator 2000 角斗士 $456.2 m
32 Pearl Harbor 2001 珍珠港 $450.5 m
33 Tarzan 1999 泰山 $435.3 m
34 The Mummy Returns 2001 木乃伊回归 $430.0 m
35 Cast Away 2000 荒岛余生 $424.3 m
36 Dances With Wolves 1990 与狼共舞 $424.2 m
37 Mrs. Doubtfire 1993 窈窕奶爸 $423.2 m
38 The Mummy 1999 木乃伊 $413.3 m
39 Batman 1989 蝙蝠侠 $413.2 m
40 Rain Man 1988 雨人 $412.8 m
41 The Bodyguard 1992 保镖 $410.9 m
42 Gone With the Wind 1939 乱世佳人 $390.6 m
43 Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves 1991 罗宾汉 $390.5 m
44 Grease 1978 油脂 $386.5 m
45 Monsters Inc. 2001 怪物公司 $384.1 m
46 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 夺宝奇兵 $383.9 m
47 Godzilla 1998 格斯拉 $376.0 m
48 What Women Want 2000 女人百分百 $372.3 m
49 Beauty and the Beast 1991 美女与野兽 $371.3 m
50 The Fugitve 1993 亡命天涯 $368.9 m
51 True Lies 1994 真实的谎言 $365.3 m
52 Die Hard: With a Vengeance 虎胆龙威III 1995 $365.0 m
53 Ocean[*]s Eleven 11罗汉 2001 $364.8 m
54 Jurassic Park III 2001 侏罗纪公园III $364.2 m
55 Notting Hill 诺丁山 1999 $363.1 m
56 There[*]s Something About Mary 1998 哈啦玛丽 $360.1 m
57 The Exorcist 1973 驱魔人 $359.9 m
58 Planet of the Apes 2001 人猿猩球 $358.9 m
59 Toy Story 1995 玩具总动员 $358.8 m
60 The Flintstones 1994 新聪明笨伯 $358.5 m
61 A Bug[*]s Life 1998 虫虫总动员 $358.0 m
62 Basic Instinct 1992 本能 $352.7 m
63 The World is Not Enough 1999 黑日危机 $352.0 m
64 Goldeneye 1995 黄金眼 $351.5 m
65 Back to the Future 1985 回到未来 $350.6 m
66 Seven 1995 七宗罪 $350.1 m
67 Hannibal 2001 汉你伯 $350.1 m
68 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 谁陷害了兔子罗杰 $349.2 m
69 Deep Impact 1998 天地大冲撞 $348.8 m
70 American Beauty 1999 美国美人 $348.1 m
71 Dinosaur 2000 恐龙 $347.8 m
72 Pocahontas 1995 风中奇缘 $347.2 m
73 Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 明日帝国 $346.6 m
74 Top Gun 1986 壮志凌云 $344.8 m
75 The Grinch 2000 圣诞怪杰 $340.4 m
76 Batman Forever 1995 蝙蝠侠不败之谜 $335.0 m
77 Apollo 13 1995 阿波罗13号 $334.1 m
78 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977 第三类接触 $337.7 m
79 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 魔域奇兵 $333.1 m
80 Back to the Future Part II 1989 回到未来II $332.0 m
81 The Rock 1996 石破天惊 $330.5 m
82 Rush Hour 2 2001 尖峰时刻II $329.1 m
83 [*]Crocodile[*] Dundee 1986 鳄鱼邓迪 $328.2 m
84 The Perfect Storm 2000 完美风暴 $325.8 m
85 The Huchback of Notre Dame 1996 $325.7 m
86 Schindler[*]s List 1993 辛德勒的名单 $321.2 m
87 The Mask 1994 变相怪杰 $320.9 m
88 Fatal Attraction 1987 致命吸引力 $320.1 m
89 Lethal Weapon 3 1992 致命武器III $319.7 m
90 Beverly Hills Cop 1984 妙探出更 $316.4 m
91 Air Force One 1997 空军一号 $315.1 m
92 As Good As It Gets 1997 猫屎先生 $313.4 m
93 Austin Powers 2 1999 王牌大贱谍 $310.3 m
94 Ransom 1996 赎金风暴 $308.8 m
95 Runaway Bride 1999 落跑新娘 $307.9 m
96 Liar Liar 1997 大话王 $306.4 m
97 101 Dalmatians 1996 101斑点狗 $304.9 m
98 Mulan 1998 花木兰 $303.6 m
99 Hook 1991 铁钩船长 $300.9 m
100 Rocky IV 1985 洛奇IV $300.5 m
101 Rambo: First Blood Part II 1985 第一滴血 $300.4 m
102 Superman 1978 超人 $300.2 m
103 Beverly Hills Cop II 1987 妙探出更II $300.0 m
104 Stuart Little 1999 精灵鼠小弟 $297.6 m
105 Look Who[*]s Talking 1989 飞跃童真 $297.1 m
106 Meet the Parents 2000 非常女婿 $295.5 m
107 X-Men 2000 x战警 $294.3 m
108 Doctor Dolittle 1998 怪医杜立德 $293.4 m
109 Ghostbusters 1984 捉鬼敢死队 $291.6 m
110 Shakespeare in Love 1998 莎翁情史 $289.1 m
111 Coming to America 1988 美国之旅 $288.8 m
112 My Best Friend[*]s Wedding 1997 好朋友的婚礼 $286.9 m
113 Saturday Night Fever 1977 周末狂热 $285.4 m
114 Lethal Weapon 4 1998 致命武器4 $284.7 m
115 Speed 1994 生死时速 $283.2 m
116 Batman Returns 1992 蝙蝠侠回归 $282.8 m
117 Casper 1995 鬼马小精灵 $282.3 m
118 Bridget Jones[*]s Diary 2001 单身日记 $280.0 m
119 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 小鬼当家II $279.6 m
120 Scary Movie 2000 恐怖电影 $277.0 m
121 American Pie 2 2001 美国派II $276.5 m
122 What Lies Beneath 2000 谎言背后 $275.5 m
123 Jerry Maguire 1996 甜心先生 $273.6 m
124 The Silence of the Lambs 1991 沉默的羔羊 $272.7 m
125 Tomb Raider 2001 古墓丽影 $271.3 m
126 The Nutty Professor 1996 肥佬教授 $269.4 m
127 The Green Mile 1999 绿里奇迹 $268.7 m
128 Bambi 1942 小鹿斑比 $268.0 m
129 Indecent Proposal 1993 桃色交易 $266.6 m
130 Jumanji 1995 逃出魔幻纪 $264.9 m
131 The Fifth Element 1997 第五元素 $263.6 m
132 The Firm 1993 糖衣陷进 $262.3 m
133 Total Recall 1990 全面回忆 $261.4 m
134 Charlie[*]s Angels 2000 霹雳娇娃 $258.5 m
135 The Full Monty 1997 光猪六壮士 $256.9 m
136 Erin Brockovich 2000 决不妥协 $256.6 m
137 Waterworld 1995 未来水世界 $255.2 m
138 Cliffhanger 1993 绝岭雄风 $255.0 m
139 You[*]ve Got Mail 1998 电子情书 $250.7 m
140 Hercules 1997 大力士 $250.6 m
141 The Truman Show 1998 楚门的世界 $249.2 m
142 Babe 1995 宝贝小猪 $249.0 m
143 Unbreakable 2000 不死劫 $249.0 m
144 Dumb & Dumber 1994 阿呆与阿瓜 $246.2 m
145 Rush Hour 1998 尖峰时刻 $245.3 m
146 The Godfather 1972 教父 $245.2 m
147 Enemy of the State 1998 国家敌人 $245.1 m
148 Four Weddings and a Funeral 1994 四个婚礼一个葬礼 $244.1 m
149 Back to the Future Part III 1990 回到未来III $243.7 m
150 Face/Off 1997 多面双雄 $241.6 m
151 The Blair Witch Project 1999 女巫布莱尔 $240.5 m
152 [*]Crocodile[*] Dundee II 1987 鳄鱼邓迪II $239.6 m
153 Out of Africa 1985 走出非洲 $239.5 m
154 Die Hard 2: Die Harder 1990 虎胆龙威II $237.7 m
155 A Few Good Men 1992 义海雄风 $237.3 m
156 Batman and Robin 1997 蝙蝠侠与罗宾 $237.3 m
157 Dead Poets Society 1989 死亡诗社 $235.9 m
158 A.I. 2001 人工智能 $235.9 m
159 Eraser 1996 蒸发密令 $235.1 m
160 Big Daddy 1999 老爸向前冲 $233.6 m
161 The Mask of Zorro 1998 左罗的面具 $233.4 m
162 Spirited Away 2001 千与千寻 $233.0 m
163 Bean 1997 憨豆先生 $232.0 m
164 The English Patient 1996 英国病人 $231.7 m
165 Sister Act 1992 修女也疯狂 $231.6 m
166 Gone in 60 Seconds 2000 急速60秒 $230.5 m
167 Life is Beautiful 1998 美丽人生 $229.0 m
168 Sleepless in Seattle 1993 西雅图不眠夜 $227.9 m
169 Lethal Weapon 2 1989 致命武器II $227.3 m
170 Good Will Hunting 1997 心灵捕手 $225.9 m
171 Space Jam 1996 太空大灌篮 $225.4 m
172 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1961 101斑点狗 $224.0 m
173 Con Air 1997 空中监狱 $223.2 m
174 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 1989 亲爱的,我把孩子缩小了 $222.7 m
175 The Little Mermaid 1989 小美人鱼 $222.3 m
176 Presumed Innocent 1990 欲网危情 $221.3 m
177 Interview With the Vampire 1994 夜访吸血鬼 $221.3 m
178 The Prince of Egypt 1998 埃及王子 $218.5 m
179 Wild Wild West 1999 飙凤战警 $217.8 m
180 Twins 1988 龙兄鼠弟 $216.6 m
181 Ghostbusters II 1989 捉鬼敢死队II $215.5 m
182 The Patriot 2000 爱国者 $215.3 m
183 Pulp Fiction 1994 低俗小说 $212.9 m
184 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 1995 神探飞机头 $212.3 m
185 Miss Congeniality 2001 选美俏佳丽$212.1 m
186 Disclosure 1994 叛逆性骚扰 $212.0 m
187 Entrapment 1999 将计就计 $211.7 m
188 End of Days 1999 魔鬼末日 $209.3 m
189 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 卧虎藏龙 $209.1 m
190 Jaws 2 1978 大白鲨II $208.9 m
191 Clear and Present Danger 1994 燃眉追击 $207.5 m
192 Traffic 2000 毒品网络 $207.0 m
193 The Fast & the Furious 2001 速度与激情 $206.3 m
194 JFK 1991 刺杀肯尼迪 $205.4 m
195 Braveheart 1995 勇敢的心 $204.0 m
196 Moonraker 1979 太空城 $202.7 m
197 Sleepy Hollow 1999 断头谷 $202.1 m
198 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 忍者龟 $202.0 m
199 Kindergarden Cop 1990 幼稚园特警 $202.0 m
200 American Pie 1999 美国派 $201.8 m

『伍』 印度电影白虎片尾曲叫什么很嘻哈



Jungle Mantra (From the Netflix Film "The White Tiger")

歌手:DIVINE/Vince Staples/Pusha T

所属专辑:Jungle Mantra (From the Netflix Film "The White Tiger")


『陆』 俄罗斯战争电影推荐








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