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发布时间:2023-06-03 12:02:00

Ⅰ 请鉴赏音乐之声主题曲《爱情的故事》(love story),谢谢!

这首歌是电影《love story》的同名主题曲
(love story)的演唱者是叱咤风云的歌坛长青树--Andy Williams

不过我听到了Shirley Bassey唱的另外个版本的

Ⅱ 美国大片里面的经典歌曲

1 Dont Cry For Me,Argentina 阿根廷,别为我哭泣 电影《贝隆夫人》主题歌
2 The Sound Of Silence 寂静之声 电影《毕业生》主题歌
3 I JUSR CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU 电话诉衷肠 电影《红衣女郎》主题歌
4 Only You 只有你 电影《罗马假日》主题歌
5 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 电影《北非谍影》主题歌
6 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 美女与野兽 动画片《美女与野兽》主题歌
7 Unchained Melody 奔放的旋律 电影《人鬼情未了》主题歌
8 Moon River 月亮河 电影《第凡内的早餐》主题歌
9 MY OWN TRUE LOVE 我之真爱 《乱世佳人》主题曲
10 Can you feel the love tonight 今夜你能否感觉到爱? 动画片《狮子王》主题歌
11 SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES 烟迷你的眼 电影《罗贝塔》插曲
12 Sealed With A Kiss 以吻封缄 电影《保镖》插曲

Ⅲ 爱情的故事歌词

love story

歌手:andy williams

love story

sung by "andy williams"

where do i begin
to tell a story of how great a love can be
the sweet love story that is older than the sea
the simple truth about the love she brings to me
where do i start
with her first hello
she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine
there'd never be another love
another time
she came into my life and made the living fine
she fills my heart
she fills my heart with very special things
with angel songs
with wild imaginings
she fills my soul with so much love
that anywhere i go
i'm never lonely.
with her along who could be lonely
i reach for her hand
it's always there

how long does it last
can love be measured by the hours in a day
i have no answers now but this much i can say:
i know i'll need her till the stars all burn away
and she'll be there

Ⅳ 美国影片《燃情岁月》中那首感人的曲子叫什么名字

《燃情岁月》的主题曲:THE LUDLOWS,詹姆斯·霍纳曲. 歌曲表现出对典型的美国英雄主义的歌咏,以及西部大草原的美丽风光、平静生活中不平静的命运、人性的拷问挣扎、优美大气的配乐等等,虽然没有获得奥斯最佳配乐奖,但是那些人物:安东尼扮演的威严、正直的父亲、外表桀骜内心善良的崔士敦、老印地安仆人;策马奔驰的诺基山、霍纳的配乐,太美了,都已经刻在心中,永远不忘.每次听到这种旋律,都有一种回到过去的错觉.

Ⅳ 经典电影《爱情的故事》的主题歌《爱情的故事》歌词


Where do I begin
to tell the story of how great a love can be?
The sweet love story that is older than the sea.
The simple truth about the love she brings to me,
Where do I start?

With her first hello,
She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine.
There'll never be another love, another time.
She came into my life and made the living fine.
She fills my heart.

She fills my heart
with very special things.
With angel's souls, with wild imaginings.
She fills my soul with so much love.
That anywhere I go,
I'm never lonely.
With her along, Who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand.
It's always there.

How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say.
I know I'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there.

How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say.
I know I'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there.

Ⅵ 电影《爱情故事》的插曲


旁观者伤 江若琳 歌词 这个是歌曲 钢琴曲的曲谱 酷狗音乐搜一下

作曲:伍乐城 作词:林夕
编曲:陈思捷@Solid Sound
监制:伍乐城@Baron Pro

流光 开心的泪
看她跟你 在散聚
若你缅怀谁 我也肯扮成谁
代知己今后 爱下去

成全大家将爱换恩情 不用报
其实你 可能早知道

原本 想苦笑着旁观
和她结局圆满 我带泪狂欢

成全大家将爱换恩情 不用报
其实你 可能早知道

明白爱 怎能不知道
忘掉我 都忘了倾诉

情感 即使止步
至少可以 梦一套 作一套 LOVE STORY(爱情故事)
歌手:Andy Williams 专辑:奥斯卡金曲


Where do I begin
to tell the story of how great a love can be?
The sweet love story that is older than the sea.
The simple truth about the love she brings to me,
Where do I start?

With her first hello,
She gave a meaning to this empty world of mine.
There'll never be another love, another time.
She came into my life and made the living fine.
She fills my heart.

She fills my heart
with very special things.
With angel's souls, with wild imaginings.
She fills my soul with so much love.
That anywhere I go,
I'm never lonely.
With her along, Who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand.
It's always there.

How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say.
I know I'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there.

How long does it last?
Can love be measured by the hours in a day?
I have no answers now, but this much I can say.
I know I'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there. 男主角何浚尉和乐队在酒吧唱的 rex{今季拍拍拖}


美国电影《爱情故事》(Love Affair)的主题曲《love story 》,这个歌曲是我很早接触的外国电影歌曲,当时我还很小,只能听懂几个单词的英文歌曲,画面很吸引人,是一个中年男子从容地走过来,坐在一个长椅上开始漫不经心的演唱,演唱者是Andy williams,安迪·威廉斯,不是电影原唱,但这个歌曲他演绎的特别好,依稀记得画面就是一对男女在室外不大一个结冰的小湖上滑冰,这个歌曲的旋律和那些画面我永远不会忘记。






The theme song “Love Story” of the American movie “Love Affair” is a foreign movie song that I contacted very early. At that time I was very young and could only understand English songs of a few words. The picture was very attractive. Man, a middle-aged man came calmly and sat down on a bench to begin casual singing. The singer Andy Williams, Andy Williams, is not the original singer of the movie, but this song he performed particularly well, faintly I remember that the picture was a pair of men and women skating on a little ice lake outside. The melody and images of this song I will never forget.

Simple but pure love
The story takes place in Harvard University, a famous American university. Oliver and Jenny met in the library. At the beginning, the two men were still arguing because of the books. As a result, a shot was taken and Olivier asked Jenny to drink coffee in the restaurant. Later they quickly fell in love. The entertainment life of men and women in love is naturally very rich. Oliver specializes in his ice hockey. Jenny has been supporting him.

Amazed by the irresponsibility of the actor Oliver Barratt, he actually greeted his roommates with the words: "How do you do! Beasts!" He called his father never call his father, his father or the like, and shouted "Mr." in private. She shouted for her son and never looked at his face. Oliver takes Jenny to see her parents. Oliver's parents were millionaires, but Oliver had a deep separation with his parents. He developed a habit of rebellion. When the parents learned that Jennie's family was a toast, he hesitated. Because Oliver had a deep conflict with his father, and his father opposed Jennie, the daughter of his baker, because the Bharat family was a prominent and prominent family. . However, Oliver never disdained his father's attitude and decided to leave his family to marry his beloved woman.
The hero of the hero, Oliver’s wife, is not religious. Therefore, their wedding ceremony is simply held at the marriage registration office. There is no priest and only one essay is notarized. Because Oliver's wife did not believe in God, she never thought that another world would be better than it is now. Oliver said to Jenny: "I will give you my hand. I will give you more precious love than money. I will give you and me all before the declaration and the law. Will you give me to me? Will you travel with me? Will we be close together in our lifetime? My Oliver Barratt will make you Jennifer Cabrillo the wife of my wife from now on. She will never die.” Jenny said: “I Jennifer Cabrillo, from now on, will make you Oliver Barat become my husband, the ultimate lover, to death.” Although Jenny does not believe in religion, she always believes that love requires oath, so they are in marriage The registry also sworn.
The story in the movie happened in the winter and the campus was full of thick snow. Oliver and Jenny slammed and snowmaned in the snow, and Jenny was even eating snow. The two people's faces were flush with red, but they couldn't cover their smiles. Lying in the snow on their backs, the joyful mood spreads from their hearts to the camera, infecting every viewer’s heart. Envy such a heavy snow! And at the end of the movie is still a pure white background. Oliver who lost his true love only left us with a lonely back, sitting alone in the snow, cherishing memories of the passing away of the good times, perhaps only in memory. Reunited again. Harvard's snow scene has become an important symbol of the film, suggesting that their love is as pure and beautiful as a snowflake, but it is also fleeting and evanescent. It will eventually melt in the spring. Despite the sad ending, the director has treated this kind of sadness with a low profile that is not even noticeable. We did not see Jennie leaving the scene. We only realized what was on the back of the actor. When the subtitles appeared, they suddenly realized that it was an indescribable mess.
Always remember Jenny's saying: "Love should not say I'm sorry." She said to her husband before she died: "I hope you are stronger, you damn the guy playing ice hockey (because Oliver loves ice hockey). "Jenny let Oliver hold herself, and then passed away in her husband's arms. Oliver burst into tears." The world of snow always presents the figure of a lover. White symbolizes purity and makes people dream of love. The love I feel is far more than that expressed in this movie. It is more enthusiastic and lasting.



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